"What Are We Learning About Today, Bob?"

My New Love Speaks Marathi (Part 2)

I started watching several movies a week at that point. I read about Bollywood every day. I learned about a movie that was coming out at the time called Ra.One. The closest place it was playing at was in Folsom so I drove down there one weekend to see it. It was so good I drove over to Elk Grove where it was also playing to watch it again. Movies are so much better on a big screen! Some other fun things that I have encountered since this new leg of my journey...

I recently finished Fantasies of a Bollywood Love Thief by Stephen Alter. This was a great book about the whole process of making one movie in particular, Omkara. It also has a lot about the history of the process as well. I got to watch Omkara this week and it was really one of the better Bolly flicks I've seen. It's based on Othello and they did a great job of combining the play into Indian life. Having read the book first made the movie more rich to me, I think. 

I started listening to music and online radio shows so I can keep learning the language. I was listening to BBC Asia on my iTunes at work on the last Thursday of 2011. The show that was on was Friction and the DJ asked people to email requests and what they wanted to see done away with from 2011. I emailed him and he READ MY EMAIL on the air! It was the best - that means people all over the world heard him. 

Another fun thing is I entered a online contest to have this guy, Akshay Kumar, call the winner. 

He's my second favorite Indian actor. After THIS guy...

So, as with many online social media type contests, you were supposed to post answers to a few questions. I know I probably won't win of course, but here are my answers:

1) Which talent would like to have the most and why? 
I would like to be able to learn a full Bollywood style dance and be able to dance with 100 people at once
2) What is it that u dislike the most?
People making judgments about others or what is going on in situations without being able to put themselves in the other person's position or realizing what part of their own fear is getting in the way 
3) Which is ur most treasured possession and why?
My family, someone who knows the things that make me me 
4) How would u like to die?
Quickly, like being shot or in a car wreck or in my sleep because I have the best dreams so it would hopefully just be a continuation of whatever story I was dreaming of 
5) What is ur motto in life? 
There are always two sides to every story, sometimes more. Don't decide until you've learned all you can.
6) If u were to die and come back as a person or a thing what would it be?
I would like to be myself, but keep the knowledge that I have gained. I wonder
what I would do the same and what I would do differently.

So, in Part 3, I'll talk about how this opened up into a love for India and a desire to hop over there as soon as possible. 

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