"What Are We Learning About Today, Bob?"

Here's the thing...

There are a lot of things you'll learn about me here, like the fact I love Jesus. Yeah, it's true. Been that way since I can remember. But I also live in the real world. I am definitely not 100% from a mold of any particular sort. I try to work out my faith in love, and, of course, mess up quite often. I am pretty sure we've all seen each other in one not so perfect moment or another.

I believe God made a place for us where we can experience great moments of awesomeness, even in its flawed state. The world is full of wonders and wonderful people. I love exploring that. I say that because another thing I do is appreciate (and flaw-fully squawk too much about) how he's created other people and what gifts they use or don't use well. Some of those wonders are seen in people that may not believe or conduct themselves exactly like you or I do.

So just be prepared. You may be challenged. I don't have kids or anything so I don't always focus on filtering for the younger crowd. I may link to a blog that has cussing, love a movie you think is repugnant or type away with an opinion that you might not agree with. That's super! Let's talk it out.

This blog is just me being me. While I'm generally going to just go on sharing about my life, I'm ok with being gracefully challenged by others to really think through what I say. However, I do request that you don't go BUSTIN ' CHOPS about it. Whether said chops are mine or someone else's. People rarely change their mind when yelled at. I've never met a siren with follow through.

Besides, even if you hate Jesus, I still think you are worth the love as truthfully, gracefully and best as I can give it to you.

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