"What Are We Learning About Today, Bob?"


Did you see what just happened there? You were in despair. You said "What have I done wrong?" You said, "The wrong choice I made in the past is being paid for now." Just this afternoon you said, "I am suffering and it is my fault that things are not changing for the better, that nothing I try will work."

But did you see what I did? I presented you with something out of the blue. Something that you were convincing yourself was not possible. You had given up. And as soon as I provided for you, you almost forgot. Shocking wasn't it? You haven't had a wake up thought like that in a while, have you?

I know you are having a hard time. I know it is not comfortable right now. I know that what comes along doesn't fit exactly into what you think things should be. But wait. Take the moment that is in front of you. Take today. I have tomorrow already taken care of. I am standing in front of the past. Don't try to peak around me. There are no "But... but... but..." conversations. Just stand in the midst of today, with me.

And wait.

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